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2018. 8. 4. 13:08카테고리 없음

생각날 때마다 열어둔 크롬 탭이 몇백개쯤 되다보니까 절반 이상이 기억의 저편에 묻혀버렸다. 그래도 블로그에 써두면 언젠가 찾아보지 않을까...

1. Calculus, Analysis, Topology, Differential Geometry, Analytic Number Theory

- Lambert W function

- Jordan curve theorem

Why is Lebesgue integration taught using positive and negative parts of functions?

- The derivative of Gamma function

- Adaptive Simpson's rule and its implementation

- Dirichlet divisor function problem

Abel's integral equations

- Bitangent

- Laplace transform

- Sophomore's dream

- Osculating plane

2. Combinatorics, Graph Theory

- Graph planarity testing in linear time

- Euler tour 관련 트릭들

- Vizing's conjecture

- Maximum flow in hypergraphs

- Push-relabel maximum flow algorithm

- Thue-Morse sequence

3. MO maths

- IMO 1989 #5

- IMO SL 1991 #17

- Lifting the exponent lemma

- Zsigmondy's theorem


- Highly composite number

- Farey sequence

4. Data structure

- Lock-free queue

- Soft Heap

- PQ tree

- PC tree

5. Algorithms

- Point-in-polygon algorithm

- Strassen's integer multiplication algorithm

- Various rules for Go game

- Closest Pair in the higher dimension

- Cardinality estimation

- Sparse Matrix Multiplication

- Discrete-logarithm

- COI 2012 사업확장

- Carry Lookahead adder

- Average analysis of Dijkstra algorithm / SSSP algorithm

- Hoare logic

- Sprague-Grundy theorem

- Caratheodory's lemma on the convex hull

- Improvements of the Bellman-Ford algorithm

- Lambda algebra

- Subcubic APSP problem

- Element distinctness problem and the lower bound

- Converting a regex into a DFA

- Alignment algorithm

- LCS with linear space

- 2-Flood (aka KOI '그리드 게임')

Computing the Diameter in subcubic time

6. Algebra, Linear Algebra

- Solvable group

- Schur Complement

- Difference triangle puzzle

7. Chemistry

- Molecular knot

- Chemical Garden

- Bravais Lattice

8. Physics

- Hopf fibration

- Penrose's graphical notation

- Bondi Mass

- Hodge dual of 4-current

- Wick rotation. Statistical thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics

- Microcanonical ensemble

9. NN

- ConceptNet

- Tacotron

10. Misc.

- Minsky model

- Sleeping beauty problem

- Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

- Lock Picking

- Zhed game and its solver

- Sum and product puzzle

- Modal logic

- Grayscale image format